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June in Numbers


More than 1,000 killed in Iraq violence in June

500,000 existing refugee population in Iraq

300,000 additional refugees throughout June as fighting between Islamist militants and the government continued

(Sources: http://online.wsj.com/articles/refugee-numbers-in-iraq-rise-by-300-000-amid-fighting-1402665943http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/iraq-turmoil/iraq-violence-killed-more-1-000-june-united-nations-n139116http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=48117)


1.1 million Syrian refugees in Lebanon

35 percent of Lebanon’s population are Syrian refugees

30,000 people, including Lebanese, without access to safe drinking water

20 percent unemployment rate in Lebanon, compared to 10 percent last year

(Sources: http://www.dailystar.com.lb/News/Lebanon-News/2014/Jul-04/262612-syrians-to-constitute-third-of-lebanese-population.ashx#axzz36trxe91Yhttp://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/07/04/Lebanon-FM-warns-of-strife-over-Syria-refugee-crisis-.html)


Between June 13-June 22:

118 Palestinians injured in Israeli attacks

454 Israeli military raids, 42 settler attacks recorded

471 Palestinians detained, including 11 parliamentarians

22 parliamentarians detained in Israeli prisoners

(Source: PLO media brief)


1.7 million population

1.2 million Palestinian refugees in Gaza whose families were expelled from their homes in what is now southern Israel

$0 Amount of compensation Palestinian refugees in Gaza have received for the billions of dollars of property taken from them by Israelis in Beersheva, Sderot, etc.

More than 500,000 Gazans still live in the eight recognized refugee camps, “which have one of the highest population densities in the world”

7 years since Israel allowed Palestinians of Gaza to export what they produce

38.5 percent unemployment rate in Gaza as a result of Israeli blockade

25 percent estimated unemployment rate in U.S. during the Great Depression

13.2 percent of children in Gaza suffer from acute malnutrition

18.9 percent of children in Gaza suffer from anemia

10 percent of Gaza’s water is potable

8 years before Gaza becomes “uninhabitable,” according the U.N.

1 Gaza’s only airport was rendered inoperable by Israeli airstrikes

0 Number of ports Israel allows to operate on Gaza’s Mediterranean coast

(Source: UNRWA, http://www.juancole.com/2014/07/numbers-people-there.html)

Compiled by Dina Salah ElDin

Published in Washington Report on middle East Affairs

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