الرئيسية » أخبار عاجلة » Canada : B.C. university to offer course on the Business of cannabis  

Canada : B.C. university to offer course on the Business of cannabis  

This fall, Kwantlen Polytechnic University in British Columbia will offer a course called Introduction to Professional Management of cannabis (Marijuana )for Medical Purposes in Canada, believed  to be the first of its kind, as it will teach students how to operate a cannabis business under  the new government regulations.

The online course will be taught by Tegan Adams,  the  business development manager at (Experchem Laboratories Inc). The company does cannabis testing and helps producers with their submissions to Health Canada.

According to Adams, this creates an opportunity for management professionals to break into the industry and act as a liaison between all the parties involved.

The  14-week  course will be split into four modules — plant production, legalities and regulations, marketing and sales and medical conditions and drug development.

Currently there are only 25 federally licensed growing facilities in Canada. Thirteen of those are in Ontario and six are in B.C.

Adams said people need to be concerned with the rules if they want to grow legally and that is what the course will focus on.

Finally he added  , “If you want to do that illegally, I’m sure there are many ways to look into that, but if you want to comply with federal guidelines and be part of a growing industry, that’s more the audience we are looking at,”.

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