الرئيسية » أرشيف الوسم : CIA

أرشيف الوسم : CIA

US: Democrats and Republicans at loggerheads over “torture report”


Critics and defenders of a US senate report on CIA “torture” programs took turns to tear each other apart over the report’s findings on the “war on terror”, opening fresh political wounds. On Sunday, former US vice president Dick Cheney vehemently defended the CIA program and lauded CIA operatives as heroes. “I’m perfectly comfortable that they should be praised, they …

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Senate report buries CIA over brutal interrogations and for misguiding White House, Congress


A long-delayed US Senate report published on Tuesday revealed that the CIA’s interrogation of al-Qaeda suspects did not produce any useful intelligence and was a lot more brutal than initially acknowledged. The CIA also misled Congress and the White House with inaccurate claims about the usefulness of the program in thwarting attacks, the Senate Intelligence Committee said. When the 500-page …

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CIA allegedly torturing al-Qaeda suspects almost to “point of death”


The CIA has tortured terror suspects close “to the point of death” by almost drowning them during its interrogation sessions post 9/11, the Telegraph reported on Monday. The report published comes only a few days before the US Senate publishes a declassified variant of its Torture Report, a 3,600 page document based on reviews of millions of CIA documents. The …

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