الرئيسية » مقالات » The President Has No Mandate to Bomb Iraq or Syria
President Obama Delivers Statement On Situation In Iraq

The President Has No Mandate to Bomb Iraq or Syria

By Robert Naiman

At this writing, President Obama has neither the legal nor the political mandate to conduct airstrikes in Iraq or Syria.

On Thursday night, 182 Members of the House voted yes on Representative Barbara Lee’s amendment defunding the use of the 2002 Iraq Authorization for the Use Military Force. Among those 182 Members were 151 Democrats – 81 percent of the Democrats voting – including Minority Leader Pelosi and House Minority Whip Hoyer. By voting yes on Rep. Lee’s amendment, these Members of the House affirmed that they oppose invocation of the Iraq AUMF to justify US military action in Iraq today.

The 182 was not a majority of Members voting. But it is similar to the number of Members of the House – 192 – who urged President Obama to come to Congress for authorization before bombing Syria last August.

Some people claim that President Obama has the legal authority to bomb Iraq under the 2002 Iraq AUMF or under the 2001 AUMF passed after the September 11 attacks. Among other places, this claim is refuted here and here

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