الرئيسية » أخبار عاجلة » Eid Al Fitr 2015 in USA, Canada, UK, Saudi Arabia on Friday

Eid Al Fitr 2015 in USA, Canada, UK, Saudi Arabia on Friday

Eid Al Fitr is being celebrated in the USA, Canada, Saudi Arabia, UK and much of the world this Friday. Though in some South Asian nations (like Pakistan, Bangladesh, India )the Eid will be celebrated a day or two later. Some people in the US and Canada who also insist on physical sighting of the Eid will follow what Muslims in some parts of the world, especially South Asia follow.

In USA Islamic Society of North America has already made it clear that Eid al-Fitr will be celebrated on July 17.

Eid al-Fitr is the most popular festival that is celebrated across the world. The festival marks the end of the month-long fasting during the holy month of Ramadan, which began on 18 June this year. Eid al Fitr  is celebrated on the first of Shawwal. On this day Muslims in countries around the world start the day with a special prayers, donations to charity and share food . It also is a time for family and friends to get together and celebrate including giving gifts and spreading holiday joy by wishing to have a happy and   Mubarak Eid .

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