الرئيسية » أرشيف الوسم : US (صفحه 6)

أرشيف الوسم : US

London: Syrian opposition status upgraded; US looks at “raw data” on use of chlorine gas in Syria


The UK had changed the status of the London office of the Syrian opposition into a mission on Thursday. The National Coalition, led by Ahmed Jarba, was given a similar vote of confidence when the United Stated states gave it similar recognition 10 days ago. After a Friends of Syria group meeting in London, Foreign Secretary William Hague said that …

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Yemen: Army captures major al-Qaeda stronghold without resistance


The Yemeni army took control of the important al-Qaeda stronghold Azzan in the Shabwa province as its offensive against them entered its tenth day on Thursday. The army’s offensive had begun on April 29th in the country’s central and southern provinces, where US drone strikes have killed several al-Qaeda suspects in the last month. In its statement, the Defense Ministry, …

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Nigeria: Boko Haram suspected of kidnapping eight more girls, US offers help


On Tuesday, residents of Warabe in Nigeria’s northeast say suspected Boko Haram Islamists kidnapped eight more girls from the region. The leader of the extremist group last month had said that the group had abducted more than 200 schoolgirls. According to the residents, the assailants were looking for girls in every household in an attack in Warabe late on Sunday, …

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Iraqi PM confident of forming government, comfortable with giving up post


On Thursday, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said that he has enough support to form a coalition government after the election, held on Wednesday, but reiterated that he would leave his post if need be. Maliki is seeking a third term in office, following the first elections in Iraq after the withdrawal of US troops. He faces significant opposition from …

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Israel-Palestine peace talks end with no progress made, John Kerry regrets “apartheid state” comment


The nine month deadline for the US-sponsored peace talks between the Palestinian Authority and Israel has passed, with no progress made in the period of intense American diplomacy. Both parties are now possibly further apart than they were before the talks started in July last year. The negotiations had started with US Secretary of State John Kerry hoping that there …

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Yemen: 9 killed in offensive against al-Qaeda

10 Yemeni soldiers killed by al-Qaeda militants

Yemeni forces on Tuesday launched an operation to remove all al-Qaeda forces from the southern towns in the country, where air strikes have killed about 60 militants last week. Their offensive began a few hours before the Friends of Yemen meeting began in London, where the delivery of aid to poverty-stricken country is to be discussed. The al-Qaeda has taken …

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بغداد : تفجيرين في تجمع انتخابي تقتل 28 شخصاً ، و “داعش” تتبنى الهجوم


يوم الجمعة ، وقع اثنين من الهجمات بالقنابل في تجمع سياسي شيعي قتل 28 شخصا في مدينة بغداد ، فيما يستعد العراق لاجراء انتخابات برلمانية يوم الاربعاء القادم . و قد اصبحت الحملات الإنتخابية الشغل الشاغل في البلاد ،  فهي المرة الأولى التي يعقد  فيها مثل هذا الاستطلاع بعد انسحاب القوات الأميركية من البلاد في عام 2011.  و يسعى رئيس …

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اليمن: ضربات جوية “يمنية أمريكية” مشتركة على القواعد المحلية للقاعدة


 استطاعت غارة جوية مشتركة بين الولايات المتحدة واليمن ،يوم الاثنين، قتل 69 عضواً على الأقل من تنظيم القاعدة في محاولة لتصفية عناصر القاعدة المحلية في اليمن.و قد اقترن تنظيم القاعدة في شبه الجزيرة العربية بعدد من المؤامرات الإرهابية الفاشلة ضد الولايات المتحدة. كان قائد تنظيم القاعدة قد وعد في ظهور نادر في شريط فيديو بث مؤخراً بهجمات ضد  الغربيين “الصليبين” …

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