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أرشيف الوسم : UNESCO

اليونسكو: المواقع الأثرية في سوريا  تنهب “على نطاق واسع”


حذرت منظمة اليونسكو  من أن المواقع الأثرية في سوريا يجري نهبها “على نطاق واسع”، و أن عائداتها تستخدم لتمويل جماعة الدولة الإسلامية المتطرفة. وقالت إيرينا بوكوفا المديرة العامة لليونسكو ، “تظهر صور الأقمار الصناعية أن في المواقع الأثرية السورية تنتشر الآلاف من الحفريات الغير الشرعية … والتي تظهر وجود عمليات نهب على نطاق واسع” واضافت في مؤتمر صحفي “الحد من …

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UN panel to investigate Israeli aggression in Gaza


On Monday, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon appointed a five-member panel to look into Israeli attacks on UN building in the Gaza Strip and discovery of Hamas weapons in UN sites during the Israeli aggression in the Palestinian enclave earlier this year. Ban had announced plans to investigate the war during last month’s trip to Gaza, after describing the Israeli …

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Morocco: desert town risks losing ancient treasures


The town of Erfoud in the middle of a palm grove in Morocco’s eastern desert watches over a rare treasure – petrified skeletons of prehistoric creatures. The oasis town, home to around 30,000 people, has been called by archaeologists and geologists as “the largest open air fossil museum in the world”. According to locals, the town was under the sea …

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UN says extremists in Iraq recruited children as soldiers

Leila Zerrougui, top UN envoy on children and armed conflict

On Monday, Leila Zerrougui, top UN envoy on children and armed conflict, said that the Islamic State (IS) have killed hundreds of children in summary executions, and have even used some in suicide bomb attacks. “Up to 700 children have been killed or maimed in Iraq since the beginning of the year, including in summary executions”, Zerrougui told the UN …

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