الرئيسية » أخبار عاجلة » “Muslim Scientist in the West” by the BCMA to end Islamic History Month

“Muslim Scientist in the West” by the BCMA to end Islamic History Month

The British Columbia Muslim Association (BCMA) will host the “Muslim Scientist in the West – From Glory in Spain to Glory in Canada?” on, Saturday October 25th, celebrating Islamic History Month.

The event is scheduled to take place at 6 p.m. at the Al-Salaam Masjid & Education Centre in Burnaby, BC. Noted Astrophysicist from the University of British Columbia Dr. Redoune Al Fakir is expected to speak at the event.

Canadian Muslims – The History, The Present and The Future” is also scheduled to be held later in the night. Eminent Theologist Dr. Zijad Delic is expected to speak on the issue.

Islamic History Month, originated, sponsored and developed by the Canadian Islamic Congress, is a cultural and educational project created to “motivate and inspire Canadian Muslims to annually share their history, heritage and culture with fellow Canadians during one month”.

It is also sponsored by the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC), Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), Islamic Circle of North America-Canada (ICNA), Islamic Supreme Council of Canada (ISCC), the Muslim Council of Montreal (MCM), the Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF), Canadian Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR-CAN), the Ottawa Muslim Association (OMA), the Coalition of Muslim Organization (COMO), the Human Concern International (HCI), the Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) and several other organizations.

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