الرئيسية » بريتش كولومبيا (صفحه 2)

بريتش كولومبيا

US: Democrats and Republicans at loggerheads over “torture report”


Critics and defenders of a US senate report on CIA “torture” programs took turns to tear each other apart over the report’s findings on the “war on terror”, opening fresh political wounds. On Sunday, former US vice president Dick Cheney vehemently defended the CIA program and lauded CIA operatives as heroes. “I’m perfectly comfortable that they should be praised, they …

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Report recommends creation of B.C. human rights commission


A new report published by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the Poverty and Human Rights Centre has suggested that the absence of a human rights commission in British Columbia has led to a “gaping hole” in the province’s human rights protection system. In “Strengthening Human Rights”, authors Gwen Brodsky and Shelagh Day note that British Columbia is the …

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International Human Rights Day: a Reminder to Canadians that Omar Khadr is Still in Jail

2014 12 Omar Khadr 15 + 22 + 28.

December 10th is International Human Rights Day. The UN General Assembly proclaimed that date to focus attention on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the common standard for all peoples and all nations. While Canadians like to believe that our country is a positive model for the rest of the world, the continued incarceration of Omar Khadr is a …

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