الرئيسية » أخبار عاجلة (صفحه 4)

أخبار عاجلة

رجال الدين ينتقدون عرض إيران لفيلم عن سيرة النبي

Iranians stand in front of a movie theatre featuring the awaited multimillion-dollar film "Muhammad", in Tehran on August 27, 2015, on the first day of screening.  AFP PHOTO / ATTA KENARE

قام علماء مسلمين سنة بارزين بمطالبة طهران بحظر فيلم عن حياة النبي محمد تم إصداره في الـ  27 من اغسطس، على الرغم من تسجيله أرقاما  قياسية في  شباك التذاكر في إيران البلد  المسلم الشيعي. الفيلم  الإيراني، الذي افتتح على الصعيد الوطني  باعتباره الأكثر تكلفة في الجمهورية الاسلامية الشيعية في الاسبوع الماضي، يصور النبي على الشاشة وهو الأمر المحظور في الإسلام …

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مصر: القوات تداهم خمس دور نشر على صلة بالإخوان


صودرت خمسة دور النشر مملوكة  لقادة  من الإخوان المسلمين  من قبل لجنة مكلفة بإدارة أموال الإخوان المسلمين و ذلك وفق ما جاء في موقع “أصوات مصرية” . وقالت اللجنة في بيان لها، أن دور النشر الآن تحت إدارة وزارة الثقافة وأنها تعمل بشكل طبيعي. ودور النشر الخمس بحسب البيان هي،  دار الفتح للإعلام العربي  المملوكة لـ “محمد سيد سابق”، مركز …

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فلسطين متأثرة من المهاجرين الأمريكيين غير الشرعيين


بقلم : خوان كول إذا كان هناك دونالد ترامب فلسطيني فسيكون عنيدا  و خاطفا ضد المهاجرين غير الشرعيين الذين يملئون الضفة الغربية الفلسطينية. و سوف يشتكي من أن واحدا من  6 من هؤلاء هم من  غير الموثقين  كأميركيين. الأميركيون لديهم مشكلة في فهم الحقائق الأساسية عن الوضع، بل الجدير بالذكر أن خطة التقسيم للجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة لفلسطين  وقت الانتداب …

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Canada seeks pardon for Al-Jazeera journalist

Canadian Al-Jazeera English journalist Mohammed Fahmy, left, his lawyer Amal Clooney, centre, Canadian ambassador to Egypt, Troy Lulashnyk

Lawyer Amal Clooney , Said   that  the Canadian government has formally applied to Egyptian authorities for the pardon and deportation of  Mohamed Fahmy   the Canadian citizen and  Al-Jazeera journalist . Fahmy was sentenced to three years in prison, along with his  Al-Jazeera colleagues,  the Egyptian Baher Mohamed and  the Australian Peter Greste who  was deported to his  country earlier this year.  The journalists …

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Israel: Christian Schools Plan to Protest by Stay Shut

In this photo taken Wednesday, May 27, 2015, Arab Israeli Christians hold signs during a demonstration in front of the education ministry in Jerusalem. (AP Photo/Sebastian Scheiner)

In Israel and east Jerusalem Christian schools have threatened to stay closed for Tuesday’s start of the new academic year because of a financing dispute with the government. The director of schools overseen by the Custody of the Holy Land, Abdel Massih Fahim, said  that the shutdown  was planned to demand equal treatment with other schools in Israel.  He added …

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Saudi Arabia: businesswoman charged with torturing domestic helper to death


The businesswoman claimed the wounds on her helper were caused by a fall from the second A Saudi businesswoman faces charges of causing Death of her domestic helper’s will goes on trial few weeks later. The domestic helper whose nationality was not mentioned was reportedly beaten up and deprived of food for a long time and eventually moved to  hospital where …

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Jordan: student spits at professor during graduation ceremony at a university


  In  Irbid, Jordan , Social media users  called for measures against a student after he  spat at a faculty member at Jadara University  during a graduation ceremony, while he was queuing to receive his certificate Later after the incident the university said that it will file a lawsuit against the student . Saleh Aqeeli, president of Jadara University, said  “We …

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Better to be a dog than Bedouin in Israel


By: Jonathan Cook I have written recently about Israel’s efforts to wipe off the map the 1,000-strong Bedouin community of Umm al-Hiran in the Negev (Naqab) so that Jews can live in their place. Dozens of other Bedouin communities in Israel – known as “unrecognised villages” and representing tens of thousands of Palestinian citizens – are facing similar fates. The …

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Misreading the Refugee Crisis

(Niño Jose Heredia/©Gulf News)

By Ramzy Baroud So far this year, “nearly one quarter of a million migrants have crossed the Mediterranean to Europe”, reported Al Jazeera’s Inside Story, citing the International Organisation for Migration. The situation is indeed bleak, not only because the number of refugees is constantly on the rise, but also because Europe appears rather disinterested in addressing the root causes …

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Human Rights Groups criticize ‘Surge’ in Israeli Home Demolitions in West Bank

Israelis bulldoze Palestinian homes

Human Rights Groups denounced Israeli demolitions of homes in the West Bank where the U.N. said 63 houses and other structures were destroyed this week alone, making 132 Palestinians homeless. In a joint statement, 31 international organizations including Oxfam and Amnesty International slammed the “surge” in demolitions and urged world leaders “to take urgent action” to put an end to …

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